Renewing a Drivers License in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania driver’s licenses and IDs are valid for 4 years*, and expire the day after your birthday. You can renew within 6 months of expiration.

Most PA drivers have the option to renew:

Obtaining a REAL ID for the first time has stricter requirements. Visit our page on PA REAL ID for more information.

*If you are 65 and older, they expire every 2 years.

Renew Your Pennsylvania License or ID Online

Pennsylvania residents can renew their non-commercial licenses or photo IDs online by using the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) online system. Be sure to check and update your address if necessary (you can do this online as well).

You’ll need to provide your license or ID number and your debit or credit card information to pay the fee. PennDOT accepts:

Once you process the transaction, you can print a temporary license. Within 15 days, you’ll receive either:


When you receive your camera card:

Renew a Pennsylvania License or ID at an Online Messenger or Licensing Office

Many private businesses are authorized to conduct business on behalf of PennDOT for an additional service fee. Use the locator to find an office close to you.

To renew your license or ID at one of these centers or at a PennDOT licensing office, provide your: